Friday, June 6, 2008

Feeling Out of Touch

How long has it been? I feel like I've been out of touch for a year, but in reality it has only been 3 weeks. How refreshing it has been to be away from the ever present internet. I will say that there are loads of things that I have wanted to look up, blogs I've wanted to read and emails to peruse, but the time off has been good.

Amy, if you wish to "out" me it's OK.

There were questions left unanswered from my last post and I will take this opportunity to clear the air (get it??? :o}) on the whole deodorant/hydro-baking soda thang. I have learned a lot from simple trial and error and will enlighten you now.
  1. Be sure to wash under your arms EVERY DAY!!
  2. You only need to use a little bit of Hydrogen peroxide and just a wee bit of baking soda.
  3. You may "swab" with whatever you like. I just pour 1 tsp. of hydro-p in my finger tips, rub my hands together and apply, then while fingertips are still damp I will touch 1/4 of a fingertip (from each hand) into baking soda and apply a very small amount under each arm. Yes, that works - just that little bit!!!
DD & I have both experienced some breaking out under our arms. This is largely due to using too much baking soda, but problem solved by just applying liberal amounts of Pure Shea Butter before bed time and in a couple of days it was gone. Learn from our mistakes. Less is more.

I am working on my post for the "Happy Pads". More info on that will be forth coming.

Another way we are saving money these days is using our homemade liquid hand soap. This is made by simply using a box grater from the kitchen and grating up some all natural soap and boiling it in some water. This also took a bit of trial and error - that is the best way I learn, to do things wrong first. The first time I did this I used twice as much water as soap, I ended up adding more and more water, the soap was too thick to go through the soap dispenser. Perhaps I ended up used 4 cups of water to 1 cup of grated soap. The grated soap WAS NOT packed down. I use this for more than just hands, I use it for shampoo. Using only 2 pumps, scrubbing it into my hair, then add a little bit of Borax, yes-Borax. At first the liquid soap does not lather up, but when the Borax is added you get lather, big time!!!!! I was pleasantly surprised. Now, you must know that I was not happy with the results of just the shampooing this way. My hair was greasy feeling, yet full, you must know that there is another step. You need to make your own conditioner. This is not as difficult as you think, it just takes a little fore thought. Some people use just a combo of 2 cups water and 3 Tbs. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)- I read an article on herbs and how certain ones are beneficial to different hair types and colors, so I thought why not steep some herbs in the water first, then add the ACV. The herbs I used were best for dark hair: rosemary, sage, mint and lemon balm. If you have light hair you may use herbs like chamomile, sage, and/or thyme. Now, instead of my hair smelling of salad dressing it smells like mint jelly :o} The conditioner last me for about a week maybe 10 days, if I wash my hair often. My hair is short so I do not have to use much. I think that it may cost me about half a cent (if even that) now to wash AND condition my hair.

Now, I need some help. We are going to have to replace our refrigerator and am asking advice from others on their purchases. Which is best, side by side, bottom freezer, french door with water & ice dispenser on door??? There are so many choices. I have read too many bad reviews on purchases from Sears and we have had a really bad experience with HomeDepot so those two are out. Any advice or info would be helpful. Also, we are looking into purchasing an outdoor wood heater, even possibly sharing it with my parents - is there anyone who has used them or knows someone who uses it, or knows of a reliable dealer.


Amy @ Amy's FMQ Adventures said...

Not that I have any answers, but since I know you are a total foodie, we need to know what your goal for the fridge is. Do you want a green (not avocado), energy efficient one? Or do you want one that will store the most food, plus keep yer french food seperate from yer mexican vittles.

Knowing that our fridge may up and die on us at anytime, even though we can't afford to replace it (why did we give away our extra fridge when we moved?), I think I'd like an energy star rated one with the freezer on the bottom and no water or ice in the door as they are supposed to be energy efficient. My worry with the freezer on the bottom though is that little hands will make off with the ice cream!

Don't get a stainless steel one! I bet they're going to go the way of the harvest gold and avocado appliances soon.

E says Virginia TV and appliance moved to Gretna if you want to buy from someone who will fix it if something happens.

Jessica said...

Thanks for the feed back - My thoughts on the fridge are -- I REALLY want ice & water through the door. I like the look of the French Door style and the concept of a wider fridge space and a wider freezer space. My exsisting side by side is not wide enough to allow for frozen pizza. Yes, I have had an occasion to store a frozen pizza or two --- What can I say? I am human after all-- If you pinch me, I cry, cut me & I bleed!!!!!
I have read reviews on so many that I do not know which one to trust. I definately want to have an energy efficient model. Poor John has just chugged some milk that does not go out of date until the 21st and it is sour already. EEEwwwwwwww.